Artist Statement – By Gina Mae Schubert
October 2021
Expressed with Non-Dominant Hand
Bound by History
Dreams of utopia, balance with nature, love of family and children, children that were told to be a good person you must………. but who makes these rules? Why is that story more important than ours? Don’t we all want the same things? Systems of control have been operating for a long time but we can see still where we have come from, we still have memories of this, yet the program continues and nobody says anything about it as it its good. What are these illusions that people believe? That raping our forests for money is a good thing? When will it end, when we are all dead? Our lost souls of our children buried in the ground with their identify lost, family lost, killed for what?
Bound by History
We will Heal this Earth
Dreams of Utopia
“You be a good girl”
“You be a good boy”
Who makes these rules?
Why is your story more important than ours?
Don’t we all want the same things?
Balance with Nature
We have memories of this
Yet the program continues
NO words said
Illusions from technology
Lost souls cry out from the ground
Identity lost
Killed for what?
When will this end?
When we are dead?
Us children of God
We are soul beings
We are electromagnetic energy
The light will prevail
Darkness will be illuminated
The soul will reach its goal
We will unite as one
Homo sapiens
We are an extension of the Earth
We are one
and we will rise up and we will heal this earth
and ourselves
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